The newest addition to our Destinations is a largely undiscovered country bordering the ancient civilizations of China and India and sandwiched between the discrete Asian countries of Thailand and Bangladesh, Myanmar is a magical place. The peaceful quiet lifestyle of the people, the endless pagodas that stretch out into the horizon, and the untouched jungles are just a few of the charms you’ll find in Myanmar.

The civilization, which vastly predates the birth of Gautama Buddha, has its history and culturally deeply infused with this ancient religion. Myanmar has become world famous for sights of hundreds of throngs of saffron-robed Buddhist monks pacing along the temple streets, and the pagodas are the most significant site attractions for the curious traveler.

The quiet lifestyle, deeply spiritual history and almost subdued atmosphere makes for a particularly rich and fulfilling travel experience through this largely untouched and undiscovered Southeast Asian nation. The people will impress upon you a wholesome feeling which allows you to forget the past, not think about the future, and just be exactly where you are and enjoying every minute.


In Myanmar you will be struck by the green trees that stretch to the horizon. In the midst of this dark green jungle are peppered the many beautiful golden temples that have been planted throughout the centuries. The Burmese people, steeped in centuries of Buddhist thought, practice, philosophy and religion have spared no inch of their naturally splendid country to remind them of their Buddhist roots.

Going from destination to destination in Myanmar, you will certainly be mesmerized by the sights and sounds but what really strikes you is the sincerity and tenderness of the people. Myanmar is a place where you forget where you were and you forget where you are going because the present moment is so rich, you can see it in the eyes of the people, and you will know it when you get here.


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